Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tell Me More About An Alternative Treatment For Pancreatic Cancer

Because of its location; just behind the stomach, the pancreas is impossible to observe and hard to treat if anything goes wrong. Being hard to treat only extends to conventional treatments. There is an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer that works in such a way that it doesn't matter where in the body the pancreas is. Another problem with using conventional treatments on pancreatic cancer is that pancreatic cancer is usually very aggressive and fast moving, so it has usually spread to other parts of the body by the time it is detected.

Before we go any further, we first need to look at what the pancreas does. To understand pancreatic cancer, we have to understand what the pancreas does. Cooked food has no enzymes because they have been killed by the cooking process. The pancreas helps out by secreting an enzyme called trypsin to digest cooked food. Trypsin also eats holes in the walls of cancer tumors so that white blood cells can enter the cancer tumor and destroy it, (by the way, we all have cancer cells); so if we're eating a lot of cooked foods, we have little or no enzyme protection against cancer tumors because we're using all of our trypsin to digest our food. If our immune system is also in bad shape, then we have no more defenses left!

You have probably heard of the other function of the pancreas, especially if you are diabetic or know someone who is diabetic. That function is to produce the insulin so we can break down the glucose in our bodies. If the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, then it is necessary to take supplements.

So what is an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer? Believe it or not, it all started hundreds of years ago back in the time of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. Hippocrates said that his cure for cancer was garlic and onions. At first look, this might seem ridiculous, but we have to dig deeper into why this would be true.

Another important insight came in 1924 when Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg wrote in a paper that cancer cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. He believed that his findings would revolutionize cancer research, but he was wrong. His findings did not become part of conventional medicine or research, but instead his findings became an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer or just about any other kind of cancer you can think of.

Back to Hippocrates, it just so happens that garlic and onions both belong to a small group of foods that are naturally alkaline (have oxygen present), so Hippocrates may not have known why it worked, but he was right when interpreting his results.

All cancers have in common an acidic body. Terminal cancer patients usually have a ph of 4.5. This is extremely acidic. This acidity is important because an acidic liquid tends to expel oxygen. An alkaline fluid tends to hold on to oxygen. In the alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer that I'm going to talk about involves having the cancer patient make his bodily fluids alkaline instead of acidic. This can be done by eating foods that are either outright alkaline or foods that become alkaline after being processed by the body such as lemons. Unfortunately, most of our foods are acidic. For this reason, it may be necessary to also ingest an alkaline supplement such as calcium.

Calcium is definitely alkaline and has many other benefits to the body. One of its benefits is that calcium acts as a buffer. It's called this because just a little bit of calcium can neutralize a lot of acid. Calcium is also necessary for proper cell division. Over 100 years ago, it was found that calcium is necessary for proper heartbeat. The list of calcium's benefits goes on and on.

All calcium is good, but coral calcium is the best. Its calcium is ionized so its absorption rate by the body is 100%. If marine grade coral calcium is used; it's even better because it also has up to 80 types of microbes that will help with digestion in the small intestine. This is important because it takes some of the workload off the pancreas.

To facilitate the absorption of calcium it's necessary to also take Vitamin D. In their book, "The Calcium Factor" Dr. Carl Reich and Robert Barefoot recommend at least 5,000 I.U.s per day of Vitamin D along with six capsules of coral calcium to treat pancreatic or any other kind of cancer.

Another way to raise alkaline levels in the body is by using cesium chloride. It has a very high ph (14) and its molecules are very large, therefore its molecules get trapped inside the cells making them alkaline. This creates an environment where the cancer can't survive. Since cesium is so alkaline, it is very caustic. It is so caustic that it should only be used under a doctor's supervision.

Western medicine knows that cancer patients have acidic bodies, but it tends to ignore this fact. Western medicine is focused more on finding patentable treatments like chemotherapy so that money can be made. Western medicine also doesn't focus on the causes, only treatments. With the alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer that I'm talking about, the cause, an acid body is addressed. Yes, a lot of people are cancer free after undergoing a conventional cancer treatment. What doesn't get a lot of publicity is that a many of those people have cancer again after less than five years because they didn't address the cause of the cancer

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy only deal with the cancer itself. Even if you successfully use these treatments on your pancreatic cancer, you are likely to have a relapse in less than five years because you haven't treated the cause. If you ask people that have survived more than five years after having pancreatic cancer, you may find that they have "cleaned up" their life and they've changed their diet so that ends up being more alkaline.

For more information about an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer or other cancers, click on this link and get the book called "Cancer-Free" by Bill Henderson. If you end up buying the book, I will be compensated, however, it will cost you nothing to read the information or to sign up for Bill's free newsletter.

To read more about an alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer at Ezine Articles, please click on the link in this sentence.

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